BioPipe Global Founder and COO, Enes Kutluca explains why STP operators and decision makers like BioPipe.

Revolutionizing Wastewater Treatment: LifeQuest World Corp. (OTC:LQWC)

Imagine a World Where Water is the New Gold...


Enes Kutluca, BioPipe Global Founder and COO (BioPipe Global is a wholly owned subsidiary of LifeQuest World Corp (OTC Markets: LQWC)) had the following to say in a recent interview:

I believe there’s a huge market for BioPipe in developing countries. Most of the STP’s (Sewage Treatment Plant) in developing countries are failing due to unplanned increasing population and high operation costs. The problems with conventional STP’s are well-known facts among STP operators. After meeting with technicians and decision makers, once again I understood why they like BioPipe. Here are some of the reasons:

  • Conventional STP’s require multiple water tanks that increase civil cost. However, BioPipe requires only one tank and the footprint of BioPipe is much less than any STP.
  • Any STP that is well designed can work almost forever if it is maintained properly. But maintaining a conventional STP requires such manpower and operation cost that makes them very difficult to operate. On the other hand, our fully automated BioPipe brings easiness in the operation and lowers operation costs.
  • Conventional STP’s are usually put in faraway open-air locations due to high footprint, sludge, and odor. But since BioPipe is a Lego-like modular system, it gives more flexibility in choosing location for STP.
  • Regulations about wastewater treatment in the developing countries are changing rapidly. Every month a new city/state makes wastewater treatment mandatory, and buildings are forced to have STP’s in very limited time and limited spaces. Conventional STP’s require several months to build and commission. However, BioPipe delivers plants in weeks.
  • Finally,BioPipe delivers treated water in EU (European Union) standards which enables buildings to reuse their water for multiple applications including flushing, cleaning and irrigation.

We are also working on new developments in BioPipe technology which makes BioPipe consume 50% less electricity in 20% less space than the current BioPipe model. Also, new developments in the design will enable BioPipe to enter the small scale/individual house treatment (Septic Systems) market which includes individual houses and public toilets. We are also working on new pipes that can be serially produced, easily stackable, and replaceable. The new year (2024) is offering us many new opportunities and we are well positioned to take full advantage of them.


LifeQuest World Corp (OTC: LQWC) is a leading provider of wastewater treatment solutions, specializing in the design, construction, and operation of onsite wastewater treatment plants. Our suite of offerings includes effluent treatment plants (ETP), sewage treatment plants (STP), fat oil and grease (FOG) separator and hybrid media for water polishing. Our flagship product, BioPipe is a 100% sludge-free, chemical-free, odor-free, silent, easy to assemble and install, scalable, low cost, ecological and low maintenance onsite sewage wastewater treatment system.
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