Shortages of water can lead to social, political, and economic disruption. Water is increasingly scarce, due to climate change, pollution, and increasing demand. Because of its importance, investors can diversify their portfolios by acquiring water-related assets and investments.
Key takeaways:
LifeQuest World Corp (OTC: LQWC) is a leading provider of wastewater treatment solutions, specializing in the design, construction, and operation of onsite wastewater treatment plants. Our suite of offerings includes effluent treatment plants (ETP), sewage treatment plants (STP), fat oil and grease (FOG) separator and hybrid media for water polishing. Our flagship product, BioPipe is a 100% sludge-free, chemical-free, odor-free, silent, easy to assemble and install, scalable, low cost, ecological and low maintenance onsite sewage wastewater treatment system.
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